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GCRLRA Send Off / On Report Process

It is solely the responsibility of the REFEREE that the Send Off / ON Report Process is followed.


If you are doing ages U13 or higher, you need to get a send off / on report book. No if's or buts. You need one. Contact Tom or Heath to arrange and in the mean time ask your fellow referees for a couple of sheets until we can get some to you. Each club should also have a book.


OK, why do we need to do all this?

  1. Send off / on reports have and do go missing from the clubs.

  2. It safe guards the referee so that the appropriate people know about the incident and the appropriate action can be taken.


The Process


  1. Ensure that the incidents have been noted on the game sheet. If they have not, then write them on it.

  2. Complete a form for each player that has been sent off or put on report. If your T/J witnessed or reported the incident get them to sign it also.

  3. There are 3 copies of the form. The white and yellow get given to the host club. You DO NOT need to chase down teams or players. Give the sheets to the person who has the game sheet. The pink copy is kept by YOU!

  4. Send the Secretary (Heath 0438750882) a txt with the team and player number who was sent off or put on report.

  5. Complete the online send off / on report form on the website by Sunday evening. This is important as you will be able to state specifics about the incident.

    • Click HERE to complete the form now.



What do I do as I still haven't got a send off / on report book yet.

  1. Ask your fellow officials at the ground for a couple of sheets to get you by until we can get a book to you. Ensure you let Tom or Heath know you haven't got one so they can arrange to get some to you.

  2. If you are waiting to get some sheets after having asked for some and you have a incident, still txt the Secretary (Heath 0438750882) after the game and do the online report form (Point 5 above). You can download a sheet to fill out from the form and then attach it when you submit the online form. Note: This is not to circumvent the process of completing the forms on ground. It is another fail safe.


What will happen if I don't follow the process?


The executive will review each case where the process has not been followed and decide if a fine of your match payment will apply.

It is an important part of our responsibilities as an official to follow processes so that players who do the wrong thing are brought to a judiciary where appropriate action can be taken.


© 2024 Gold Coast Rugby League Referees Association

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